My blog

My Blog page’s theme is to produce practical blog posts from my Excel consulting with large and small business clients from varied industries. These  topics include spreadsheet design, choosing a sound approach to an Excel based solution, learning from mistakes, VBA programing (or macros), Tables, Pivot Charts, Pivot Tables, advanced formulas, Pivot Query, PowerPivot, Excel User Forms, Excel data cleaning and manipulation, conditional formatting, user friendly features and more.

Hope you find them useful 🙂

My First PowerApp

I talk a lot about Excel automation.  Automating with Excel helps us be more productive and efficient in our jobs.  Automating tedious tasks using advanced Excel features like Tables, Pivot

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VBA to Change Pivot Table Source

I recently worked on a project that had three distinct and large datasets for different geographical areas in three workbooks.  Starting with the first workbook and data set in a

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